
Showing posts from September, 2017

"PLAY is the work of Childhood" -Jean Piaget

As a faculty staff member at the Boys and Girls Club in Providence, one of my many responsibilities is to maintain a safe and friendly environment for all participants by following protocols and regulations. But sometimes these rules (created and established by the upper people) can put a toll on youth. For instance, dodge-ball has been a prohibited sport in the organization for a number of years. However, the game is heavily popular in our particular club site.  Our kids beg and cheer for dodge-ball to be played in the gym. According to Shall We Play? written by Henry Jenkins, "Play is not disguised learning; play is learning," which is absolutely true. By my observations, during game rounds I have noticed that kids develop teamwork, confidence, independence, resilience, but most importantly, they have F-U-N. Sure, kids get pounded by rubber red balls but they immediately 'bounce' back. Kids are curious and enjoy to be physically challenged especially by friends...

Stereotypes about Young People

According to both articles ( Redefining the notion of Youth and Framing Youth: Writing 'Youth' in social context ), younger generation do not meet the social standard of older generation, therefore, youth are not taken seriously. Younger generation create a unique lifestyle that may be seen "inappropriate" to others. When seen differently, you are treated differently.  "Sex, drugs and parents"- emphasis that suggests that young people are self-indulgent and uninvested in more sophisticated "adult" concerns (work and health) . Adolescent are viewed as the generation who are not concern to take on life responsibilities or become an active member in their community.   "Historically, adolescents and youth were not a distinct societal subculture"   It is believed that youth are not engaged in today's political or cultural events. Also, youth are not culturally aware of their surroundings such as values, beliefs, and percepti...

SEVEN Characteristics of Youth Work

1. Youth Work is an educational practice    "[Youth workers are] Primarily educators who engage with young people in diverse settings." Today, youth workers are found in various organizations whether it may be in after-school program or local nonprofit, private organizations. "Youth Workers build and sustain open and trusting relationships in order to create the conditions for learning." As professionals, youth workers ensure that the work setting is a friendly environment for all young participants to enjoy and learn.   2. Youth Work is a social practice   Youth Workers not only assist with educational activities but they are also there to guide young people with personal situations. "'Case work' approaches to working with young people, for example through the provision of personal information, advice, and guidance work." I currently work at William D'Abate Elementary School and Boys and Girls Club where often times students natur...

Quiet Mover of Justice through Love

Animal Doctor in Los Angeles Runyon Canyon Border Angels in San Diego Ocotillo Desert "With an act of racism-driven terrorism occurring in Charlottesville just one week earlier, you arrived with the understanding that you were here as a direct response to that act. " Donation for Elementary School in Suchitepequez, Guatemala  "Gracias Yuselly" New York Immigration Coalition- The March for Immigrant NY! December 2016 "...send a clear message from New Yorkers to President-Elect Trump and his administration: immigrant communities are here to stay and we will fight back against hate and anti-immigrant policies!"   Women's March in Washington DC Family is EVERYTHING